Michael Weller, NEAC British, b. 1965

Michael grew up in Winchester and initially studied librarianship. However, he realised early on that he did not want to become a librarian. Life -drawing cheered him up and he went on to complete a degree in Fine Art at London Metropolitan University, then studied portraiture at Lavender hill studios. Michael won the New English Art Club drawing scholarship in 2014 and the Le Clerc Fowle Medal for a group of outstanding paintings at the Royal Institute of Oil painters annual exhibition in 2015. He was elected to the NEAC in 2022.

Michael paints things aroud him at home - oranges, apples, a blue mug, a milk bottle, a packet of coffee. The arrangements of shapes and colours make him want to paint them. He takes a sketchbook wherever he goes. Michael is an oil painter who paints from life, partly because he likes to stay at home and partly because of artists like Vuillard, Bonnard and Morandi.

Michael teaches oil painting through Winslow Art Centre and ArtDrawPaint. He lives in Weymouth in Dorset.